Sea Green

You are beautiful to me Your eyes are almost sea green And they swallow me like the ocean Your love is the current that carries me away I miss your … Continue Reading →

Window Boxes

Sometimes even wild flowers grow in window boxes I’ve learned that life is full of paradoxes…


– I followed you home To where you weathered the storm The place I watched you unhinge That day I saw you take form – Now the clocks flash 11’s … Continue Reading →

32 Beautiful Words For You

I saw this post of 32 beautiful words and I felt inspired to write something using all 32 words… 32 Of The Most Beautiful Words In The English Language … Continue Reading →

More Than Just A Body

I am human. I have thumbs that are opposable. I have flaws too many in number to count. They remind me that I am real. I see endless possibilities through … Continue Reading →

Heaven’s Gain

Today we lost a proud father, a grandfather and a husband Today we lost a loving uncle, a brother, a teammate and friend Today we lost a good bowler, one … Continue Reading →

Tunnel Vision

To the man that gives me tunnel vision With eyes that tell a story and words tuned with fine precision You’ve got a heart that’s good as gold and a … Continue Reading →

A Road Called Fate

I’d been roaming around so lost in the dark That the highway called Life began to look stark Took a wrong turn or two and a tire went flat It … Continue Reading →

Lost With You

i want to get lost in a moment with you where everything outside of you and I gets blurry the colours around us will run together like neon lights on … Continue Reading →

Into The Sea

If I could see your eyes I’d try a thousand times And when I kiss your lips It tastes like happiness I settled into you like a stone into the … Continue Reading →