fluoridated and sedated, GMO’ed, aluminated
bury em in barium, watched like fish in an aquarium
self-inflicted, masochistic, hedonistic and sadistic
classed, divided, tricked and slighted
our only vision is near sighted
an ugly ploy thats been employed to help destroy and make void
any semblance of our humanity
they just blind us, take our heads and get inside us
whats the fuss, when its such a rush, not to feel so much?
chemically lobotomize me, numb me emotionally
here’s some poison, try some it’s fun
addiction seeping in your veins, are we all just this insane? or is there something else to blame?
maybe its the propaganda, sitting outside on your veranda
or how we commercialize all these pretty lies
our mental prisons made of televisions
and i’m left searching for a reason why we’re still here and barely breathing
conscious awareness in all fairness is the rarest
something to be cherished, never perished
and the only thing they can’t take from me, is the knowledge that I.AM. free….
i look inside and i can see.. dissipated misery, shine a light, watch darkness flee
I search for god and find it in me